第 2 课:布鲁里溃疡-2

Buruli ulcer is a disease found in tropical climates. 布鲁里溃疡是一种在热带气候地区发现的疾病。

It belongs to the same family of bacteria as those that cause tuberculosis and Hansen's disease, also known as leprosy. 它和能引起 肺结核病和 汉森氏病的细菌是同一家族,亦称为麻风病。

Cases have been reported in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the western Pacific. 在非洲,美洲,亚洲和西太平洋, 布鲁里溃疡病例都已被报道。

At least thirty nations have had cases of Buruli ulcer disease. 至少有三十个国家有布鲁里溃疡病例。

But experts say this condition has not gotten as much attention as it should. 但专家说这种情况没有达到它应有的关注程度。

It was just discussed during an international health conference held in Benin. 它仅仅在贝宁的一次全球健康会议上讨论过。