第 2 课:布鲁里溃疡-5

Public health officials hope that a treatment can be developed that does not require injections. 公共卫生官员希望能研制一种非注射型的治疗方法。

If people could take the medicine by mouth, they would not need to travel to health clinics. 如果人们可以靠吃药来治疗该病,他们就不需要到诊所去进行治疗了。

In the nineteen sixties there were many cases in an area then called Buruli County in Uganda. 在十九世纪六十年代,在乌干达出现了很多 布鲁里溃疡病例,所以把它叫做布鲁里国。

That explains the name Buruli ulcer, the most commonly used name for the disease. 这就解释了布鲁里溃疡这个名字 --- 对这种疾病最常用的叫法。