第 20 课:知识造假-3

In schools, the punishment for cheating could be a failing grade on the paper or in the course. 在学校,作弊的处罚可以是在考试答卷或那课程上成绩不及格。

Some schools expel plagiarists for a term; others, for a full academic year. 一些学校会将剽窃者开除一学期;其他的,而是开除整个学年。

Some degrees have even been withdrawn after a school later found that a student had plagiarized. 学校不久后发现学生曾经的抄袭行为也撤回了一些已经授予的学位。

Accidental plagiarism can sometimes result from cultural differences. 偶然的剽窃有时是由文化差异导致的。

At Indiana University in Bloomington, sixty percent of students who use the Office of Writing Tutorial Services are non-native English speakers. 在布鲁明顿的印第安那州大学,60%使用写作指导服务的是非英语母语的学生。