第 209 课:国情咨文-2

Independent voters helped elect president Obama but have since turned away from the democrats. 独立投票人帮助了奥巴马当选总统,但自那以后,他们不再支持民主党。

Congressional elections are this November. 今年十一月将进行国会选举。

To help created jobs, he urged the senate to join the House of Representatives in passing a second economics stimulus bill. 为了帮助创造就业机会,他要求参议院与众议院在通过第二个经济刺激法案时能保持团结。

He also called for a three-year freeze on some federal spending. 他同时呼吁对一些联邦开支冻结三年。

And he set a goal to double American exports over the next five years. 并且他设定了今后五年出口翻番的目标。