第 213 课:减少盐的用量-4

The idea is to put pressure on food companies and restaurants. Critics call it government interference. 这一想法是对食品公司和餐馆施加压力。而批评家们则称其为政府干与。

Mayor Bloomberg has already succeeded on other areas, like requiring fast food places in the city to list calorie information. Bloomberg 市长已经在其他领域取得了成功,如要求城市中的快餐点标明卡路里信息。

Now a study by the Seattle children's research institute shows how that idea can influence what parents order for their children. 现在由西雅图儿童研究机构进行的研究显示了这一想法是如何会影响父母为他们的孩子订餐的。

Ninety nine parents of three to six year olds took part. 99 对 3 至 6 岁儿童的父母参与了这一研究。

Half had McDonald's menus clearly showing how many calories were in each food. 一半父母拿到了在每份食物上清楚标明有多少卡路里含量的麦当劳菜单。