第 232 课:混合药物治疗-3

Common signs of sleeping sickness include fever, headaches, extreme tiredness and pain in the muscles and joints. 昏睡病的基本症状包括发烧、头痛、非常劳累关节肌肉疼痛。

Early identification of the disease may be difficult because many infected people do not show any immediate symptoms. 昏睡病的早期确认可能很困难,因为很多感染人群并没有马上出现症状。

Over time, the parasites invade the central nervous system. 随着时间的流逝,寄生虫入侵中枢神经系统。

The disease causes sleep disorders, mental confusion, personality changes, speech problems, seizures and coma. 病症造成睡眠无规律,精神混乱、性格改变、说话困难、癫痫、混迷。

If left untreated, sleeping sickness kills. 如果不治疗,因昏睡病而亡。