第 234 课:避免经济萧条-4

But a government program that paid Americans to trade in old vehicles for new, fuel-saving models increased car sales in the summer. 但是,政府以旧换新且节能汽车的项目推升了夏季的汽车销售。

The Ford Motor Company refused government aid and is working to become profitable again by two thousand eleven. 福特汽车公司拒绝政府救助,正力争在 2011 年前重新盈利。

And there are signs that the industry is starting to recover. 另外,有迹象表明:汽车业正开始复苏。

However, the housing market continued to suffer its worst downturn in generations. 然而,房产市场仍经历数十年来的最低迷期。

Mortgage financer Fannie Mae reports that payments on five percent of its single-family home loans are late. 抵押贷款公司房利美报告 5% 的单套别墅贷款逾期。