第 238 课:痴呆的主要原因-2

Renata Sousa from the Institute of Psychiatry (精神病学) at King's College London and other researchers wrote the new report. 来自于伦敦国王大学精神病学院的 Renata Sousa 和其它研究人员撰写的新的报告。

Their study looked at the causes of disability among fifteen thousand people age sixty-five or older in seven countries. 他们研究了 7 个国家 5 万名年龄在 65 岁以上人伤残的原因。

The countries were China , India , Cuba , the Dominican Republic , Venezuela , Mexico and Peru. 这些国家有:中国、印度、古巴、多米尼加共和国、委内瑞拉、莫斯科和秘鲁。

The team found that dementia was the largest cause of disability in the elderly (长者) in areas other than (除了,不同于) rural India and Venezuela. 研究团队发现除了偏远的印度和委内瑞拉,痴呆是一些地区,老年人伤残的最主要原因。

Other major causes were stroke, loss of use of arms or legs, arthritis, depression, eyesight problems and gastrointestinal problems. 其它主要原因是中风、失去胳膊或腿,关节炎,抑郁,视力问题,肠胃问题。