第 240 课:气候变化大会-3

But the agreement, known as the Copenhagen Accord , is not legally binding . 但是,众所周知的哥本哈根协议是不具备法律结束力的。

It fails to (未能) set detailed targets for cuts in carbon emissions. 它未能在减碳排放量上设定的明确目标。

And it failed to earn the support of all the nations at the talks. 也未能在会议上争取到各方支持。

India's environment minister praised the united position (个位数位置) taken by India, China, Brazil and South Africa. 印度环境部长赞赏由印度、中国、巴西、南非通定的个位数支持 。

He said it permitted them to avoid the legally binding targets and international supervision proposed by developed countries. 他说此举允许他们削除法律结束力的目标和由发达国家提议的国际监督。