第 244 课:教育科技-1

A question from the West Bank : Zuheir Khlaif wants to know how American schools use educational technology. 一个来自西海岸的问题: Zuheir Khlaif 想知道美国的学校是如何利用教育科技的。

There is not a simple answer. It depends on the subject and level of the students, of course. 这不是一两句话能回答清楚的。这取决于科目和学生的层次。

But it also depends on the interest and training of the teachers, and the goals and budgets of the schools. 除此之外,还取决于老师的兴趣和他们接受的培训,以及学校的培养目标和预算情况。

Schools are almost all connected to the internet. (美国的)学校几乎都与互联网相联。

But some have more technology, and use more, than others. 但是一些学校比其他学校有更多的技术手段,并且用得也多一些。