第 244 课:教育科技-5

Children become friends with the robot, he says, that can have a big effect on their behavior, helping them work harder and longer in therapy sessions. 他说,孩子们与机器人成了好朋友,这对他们的举止有很大的影响,帮助他们在治疗期间更努力、更长久。

Corinna Lathan is currently working with the British company to develop other socially assistive robots. Corinna Lathan 目前正在替一家英国公司工作,开发其他在社交方面为残疾人设计的机器人。

She says they are still considered research tools in the United States , and not used as much as in places like Brittan and Japan . 她说她们仍然考虑运用在美国的研究手段,这在英国和日本等地方用得不多。

But she hopes to change that. 但是,她希望改变这一状况。