第 245 课:温室效用-4

The researchers also advise growers to add compost materials to the soil in hoop houses to build nutrients. 研究人员同时建议种植者在温室大棚的土壤中添加复合肥以增加养份。

Eliot Coleman is an organic farmer and a writer in Maine who has helped popularize the idea of four season farming. Eliot Coleman 是缅因州的一位有机作物种植者和作者。他帮助普及四季种植的理念。

His ideas about hoop houses sounded good to John Biernbaum in Horticulture department at Michigan state university. 他有关温室大棚的理念对在密歇根州立大学园艺系的 John Biernbaum 来说,听起来很不错。

Professor Biernbaum tried hoop houses on the student organic farm at Michigan State and had success. John Biernbaum 教授在密歇根州的一个学生有机农场尝试了温室大棚并获得成功。

Project director David Conner says it was a "test drive" for the research on private farms. 该项目负责人 David Conner 称其是为了研究而在私人农场的“试车”。