第 246 课:无电的环境-1

More than one and a half billion people around the world live without electricity. 全球有超过 10.5 亿人在无电的环境下生活。

Finding better ways to bring light to the poor is the goal of researchers like David Irvine-Halliday. 寻找更好的方式给穷人带来光明是研究人员的目标,如 David Irvine-halliday.

In the late nineteen nineties, the Canadian professor was working in Nepal when his return flight was canceled. 十九世纪九十年代晚期,加拿大教授乘坐的往返航班被取消时,他正在尼泊尔工作。

A delay gave him time to take a fourteen-day hiking trip in the Himalayas . 延期致使他花 14 天的时候在喜马拉雅山徒步。

As he tells it, one day he looked in the window of a school and noticed how dark it was. 如他所说的,有一天他看到学校的窗户注意到里面一片漆黑。