第 246 课:无电的环境-2

This is a common problem for millions of children around the world -- and not just at school, but also at home. 对于全世界数百万的儿童来说这是一个普遍问题,不仅在学校,家也一样。

Many families use kerosene oil lamps. There are many problems with these lamps. 很多家庭使用煤油灯。这些灯有很多的问题。

They produce only a small amount of light. They are dangerous to breathe. 他们只能产生小量的火光,对呼吸不利。

And they are a big fire danger , causing many injuries and deaths each year. 且易有大的火灾危险,每年造成大量伤亡。

Kerosene costs less than other forms of lighting, but it is still costly in poor countries. 煤油的成本比其它照明设备便宜,但在贫穷国家煤油依然非常昂贵。