第 246 课:无电的环境-4

Professor Irvine-Halliday used a one-watt bright white L.E.D. made in Japan. Irvine_halliday 教授的使用日本生产 1 瓦特白色 LED 。

He found it on the Internet and connected it to a bicycle-powered generator. 他在网上发现并将它与自行车电力发动机联接。

He remembers thinking it was so bright, a child could read by the light of a single diode. 他想起这个非常明亮,单个二级管就可够儿童阅读。

In two thousand, after much research and many experiments, he returned to Nepal to put the systems into homes. 2000 年,经过一系列研究和实验,他回到尼泊尔将其安装在家里。