第 247 课:新的血细胞-5

About two hundred thousand cases are found in African children every year. 每年在非洲的小孩中大约发现有 20 万的病例。

About eighty thousand people have it in the United States. 而在美国大约有 8 万人患有该病。

A study published in September in the Lancet said antibacterial vaccines could save the lives of children with sickle cell in Africa. 九月份发表在 LANCET 上的一项研究称抗菌疫苗能够挽救非洲患有镰状细胞(贫血)病的儿童。

The study pointed out that many children died before they are even identified as having the disease. 该研究指出许多儿童早在被诊断出患有该病前就死了。

They die from bacterial infections for which there are new vaccines. 他们死于细菌感染,预防该感染有新的疫苗。

But these vaccines are costly and available mainly in wealthy countries. 但是这些疫苗昂贵,主要只有在富裕国家才用得起。