第 249 课:心灵的窗口-5

During their dinner, the couple might discuss many things. 晚餐期间,这对恋人会谈论很多事情。

They might discover that they see eye to eye, or agree on many issues. They share the same beliefs and opinions. 他们可能会发现彼此很有共同语言,或者在很多问题上看法一致,有着共同的信仰和观点。

For example, they might agree that every crime or injury should be punished. 例如,他们会认为每一个罪犯,或者对他人造成伤害的人都应受到处罚。

That is, they firmly believe in the idea of an eye for an eye. 那就是说,他们深信“以眼还眼、以牙还牙”的观点。

They might also agree that it is wrong to pull the wool over a person's eyes. 他们还会一致认为“将羊毛蒙在人的眼睛上”。