第 261 课:第一轮攻击-1

American forces in Afghanistan have launched their first offensive since President Obama announced more troops for the war. 自从奥巴马宣布增兵阿富汗后,美国驻阿富汗部队已经发动了他们的第一轮攻击。

On Friday, military officials said more than one thousand NATO troops, mostly Americans, launched the operation with Afghan forces. 周五,军方官员说,以美国士兵为主的 1000 多名北约士兵与阿富汗士兵一起开始了这次攻击行动。

Troops moved in to clear Taliban insurgents and explosives from the Now Zad valley in the southern province of Helmand. 部队向内推进主要是为了清除塔利班叛乱和清除南方 Helmand 省 Now Zad 山谷流出的炸药。

On Tuesday President Obama told Americans that thirty thousand more troops will go to Afghanistan as fast as possible. 在周二,奥巴马总统对美国人宣布 30000 士兵会尽快的赶赴阿富汗。