第 262 课:棕榈岛-4

The company is not an investment vehicle for the government like a sovereign wealth fund. 该公司不同与主权财富基金,并非政府投资工具。

It is a holding company for businesses in land development, port operations, energy and financial services. 它是土地开发、港口运营、能源及金融服务类控股公司。

The group has used borrowed money for economic development. 该集团将贷款用于经济发展。

Ghiyath Nakshbendi of American University in Washington notes that the problems are linked to a worldwide collapse in real estate prices. 华盛顿州美国大学的 Ghiyath Nakshbendi 说,这些问题是由于全球地产价格崩盘。

He expects the debt restructuring to be successful. 他预计债务重组会成功。