第 264 课:在美留学生-4

Japan fell to fifth place. 日本排名下滑至第五位。

The number of Japanese students in the United States decreased for the fourth year, to just over twenty-nine thousand. 在美的日本留学生数量已经连续4年持续减少,仅超过2.1万人。

Taiwan also sent fewer students, and the number from Mexico was nearly unchanged. 台湾同样输送了更少的学生,墨西哥留学生的数量基本没有变化。

The University of Southern California in Los Angeles once again had the highest number of foreign students. 位于洛杉矶的南加利福尼亚大学再次成为留学生数量最多的大学。

The "Open Doors" report says nearly seven thousand five hundred attended U.S.C. last year. “门户开放”这篇报道称,去年几乎有7.5万留学生涌入了南加利福尼亚大学。