第 273 课:停战日-3

It has special meaning for service members like Lieutenant Colonel Dan Snowden, now serving in Afghanistan. 这个节目对现在在阿富汗服役的中校 Dan Snowden 来说有特别的意义。

On Veterans Day, the president traditionally lays a wreath of flowers next to the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington. 在退伍军人节,依据传统总统会给在华盛顿附近的 Arlington 国家公墓的无名墓献花圈。

But President Obama surprised mourners by also visiting the graves of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. 但是奥巴马总统今年也去了在阿富汗和伊拉克战争中死去的士兵墓,这令那些去悼念者感到惊喜。

Later, he met again with his advisers about a decision on the future of the Afghan war. 之后,他与他的阿富汗战争顾问开会以决定阿富汗战争的未来。

His war commander has asked for an additional forty thousand troops. 他的战争指挥官已经要求再增加 40000 人的军队。