第 276 课:阿富汗选举-6

The economy is starting to improve. 经济形式开始好转。

But high unemployment and issues like reform of the health care system could influence public opinion. 但是高失业率和储如医疗体制改革等问题也可能影响公众观点。

On Thursday, the president thanked two groups for giving their support to a health care bill in the House of Representatives. 在周二,总统感谢在参议院中通过支持他的医疗保健法案的两个团体。

One is a doctors group, the American Medical Association. 一个是医生团体 ---- 美国医学协会。

The other is AARP, representing forty million older Americans. 另一个团体是 AARP ,代表美国 4000 万美国老人利益的团体。