第 281 课:喜欢工作的理由-5

I am not rich. I did not make a killing in the stock market when my stocks increased in value. 我不富裕。我也没有因股票大涨而发比横财。

Yet, I am not poor either. When I go out with friends, I do not want to shell out or pay a lot of money. 但我也并不穷困。我和朋友们出去的时候,我不想多花一分钱。

Often, my friends and I will chip in or pay jointly for a fun night out. 常常是我和朋友们平均分担娱乐的支出。

When we go to restaurants the meal is Dutch treat. Each person pays his or her own share. 我们吃饭的时候各自买单。每个人各付各的。

Once, the owner of a restaurant gave us a dinner on the house. We did not have to pay for our meals. 一次,一家饭店的老板为我们提供了免费的晚餐。我们不必出钱。

However, I admit that we had to grease someone's palm. 但是我建议我们出点消费。