第 282 课:炸弹袭击-5

This week, there were reports that he had contact with al-Qaida leadership. 本周,有报道说他早与基地组织领导阶层有接触。

Intelligence officials said the head of al-Qaida's operations in Afghanistan used a middleman to communicate with him. 中情局官员说阿富汗基地组织行动头目通过一个中间人与他联络。

Attorney General Eric Holder has called the case one of the most serious threats since the attacks of September eleventh, two thousand one. 首席检察官 Eric Holder 称这项案件是自 2001 年 911 袭击以来最为严重的威胁之一。

In another case, federal officials are investigating the disappearances of more than twenty young Somali men. 在其它的另一个案件中,联邦官员正在调查 20 多年青索马里男人的失踪事件。