第 286 课:法医学-4

The real killer was later identified through DNA. 真正的杀手后来是 DNA 技术确定的。

By that time, Roy Brown had served fifteen years in prison. 到那时为止,罗伊已经在狱中服役了 15 年之久。

So far, DNA testing has cleared -- the term is exonerated -- more than two hundred forty people in the United States. 到目前为止,在美国 DNA 检测已经清洗(使他们免于获刑)了超过 240 人。

Some had been sentenced to death, though none had been executed already. 许多人当初被判的是死刑,不过没有一人被执行过死刑。

Peter Neufeld says the issue is not just about protecting the innocent, but also about catching the guilty. 彼得说这并不只是一个保护无辜的问题,也是一个找了真凶的问题。