第 287 课:信息需要自由-2

Since two thousand five, the F.C.C. has used four policy principles to guide its enforcement in cases related to the Internet. 自 2005 年以来, FCC 采用了四个政策性原则,以保证网络相关案例的执法。

The policy statement says consumers must be able to get the lawful content, applications and services of their choice. 这一政策声明规定,消费者必须能够获得其选择的合法内容、应用程序及服务。

Users must also be able to connect their choice of devices that are legal and do not harm the network. 用户也必须能够连接其选择的合法设施,并且用户不得损害网络。

Another principle supports competition. 另一个原则是支持竞争。

This week, in a speech, F.C.C. Chairman Julius Genachowski proposed two more. 本周, FCC 主席 Julius Genachowski 在演讲时,还提出了二个原则。