第 294 课:46个染色体-2

An estimated three hundred fifty thousand people in the United States have Down syndrome. 一份统计显示美国有3.5万人患有唐氏综合症。

Many babies with Down syndrome have low muscle tone, so they need extra support when they are held. 很多患有唐氏综合症的婴儿肌肉缺乏伸缩性,所以当抱起他们时需要给予额外的支撑。

Their heads are smaller than average and they can have unusually shaped ears. 他们的头部要比正常人的小,并且他们会有形状奇怪的耳朵。

Also, their eyes often angle upward. 另外,他们的眼睛常常斜向上方。

People with Down syndrome often have other conditions. 患有唐氏综合症的人常常有其他的一些状况。