第 295 课:日本首相-2

Yet many observers see the results as more a rejection of the old than an acceptance of the new. 许多观察员将这个结果更多地视为是对过去的摒弃超过和对新生的接受。

Many voters were dissatisfied with the L.D.P. and its reaction to Japan's worst recession since the Second World War. 很多投票者对自民党和对这次二战以来日本最严重的经济衰退的处理表达了不满。

Japan has the world's second largest economy after the United States. 日本是仅次于美国的世界第二大经济体。

Taro Aso, prime minister since last September, resigned as leader of the L.D.P. after its defeat. 麻生太郎,去年 9 月上任的首相在民主党被击败后辞去了领导人职务。

Yukio Hatoyama is sixty-two years old. 鸠山由纪夫现年 62 岁。