第 295 课:日本首相-6

He spoke to President Barack Obama by phone. 他通过电话与美国总统巴拉克奥巴马进行了对话。

He said Japan's alliance with the United States will remain what he called the "foundation" of his government's diplomacy. 他说日本与美国的同盟关系会作为日本政府外交政策的“基础”依旧保持不变。

The White House says President Obama stated his strong wish to work together to strengthen global economic recovery and fight climate change. 白宫说奥巴马总统已经表达了他为了振兴全球经济复苏和对抗气候变化而愿意同日本加强工作联系的强烈愿望。

Other wishes included working for a nuclear-free Korea and to defeat extremists in Afghanistan. 其他一些愿望包括创造一个无核的朝鲜半岛局势和打击阿富汗的极端组织。

The first test of the new government's popularity may come next year in upper house elections in Japan. 对新政府受欢迎程度的首次测试将会于明年在日本上议院选举时举行。