第 296 课:种植树木-5

They suggested evergreen trees for the other two rows. 他们建议另外两排种植冬青类树木。

Some trees work better than others. 有些树木的效果比其他的要好。

And what works in one area of the country may not work as well in others. 那种在某个地区有效果的树不一定在其他地方也有效果。

Farmers may think trees will take too long to grow and be effective. 农场主们也许会认为树木需要太长的时间来成长而后才会产生效果。

But some trees can grow quickly. 但是,有些树种可以成长很快。

At least one-third of the Delmarva farms have planted trees, technically known as vegetative environmental buffers. Delmarva 至少1/3的农场已经种植树木了。技术上名为植物型环境缓冲器。

The idea offers a way to cut pollution, save money and energy, and make the neighbors happy. 这一概念为减除污染,节省金钱和能源,以及制造良好邻里关系提供了一条途径。