第 308 课:有趣的绰号-4

New Hampshire, in the northeast area called New England, is The Granite State because of that colorful rock. 在东北部叫新英格兰的新罕布什尔州是一个 花岗岩之州 ,因为这里有许多彩色的岩石。

New Jersey is between the big cities of New York, New York and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 新泽西州位于纽约州、纽约和费城、宾夕法尼亚州这些大城市之间。

It got its nickname, The Garden State, because New Jersey truck farms once provided vegetables to those big cities. 它获得了花园州的昵称,因为新泽西州的商品蔬菜市场当时为这些大城市提供蔬菜。

New York, which always thinks big, was called The Empire State because of its natural wealth. 大城市纽约州,因为它的自然财富,被称为 帝国之州。

The most famous Manhattan skyscraper got its name from the state. 最有名的曼哈顿摩天大楼因此命名。