第 325 课:原住居民-3

Malcolm King says measures to deal with some of these problems might fall outside traditional health interventions. Malcolm King说,用来解决其中某些问题的措施也许会超出传统的健康干预手段。

There are almost four hundred million indigenous people in the world. 世界上大约有4亿的原住居民。

Poverty, malnutrition, overcrowding, lack of clean conditions, pollution and limited health services are all causes of their poor health. 贫穷、营养不良、过度拥挤,缺乏卫生环境,污染以及有限的健康服务都是引发健康缺乏的原因。

Malcolm King and other researchers wrote about this in the medical journal The Lancet earlier this month. Malcolm King和其他研究员在本月上半月的医学杂志 The Lancet部分刊登了这些。