第 335 课:有机盖土-6

As a result, mulched soil will be cooler in the summertime. 其结果是,被覆盖的土壤在夏季会较凉爽。

And in winter, it may not freeze as deeply as areas without mulch.

Mulch can be added late in autumn to help moderate the effects of winter weather. 盖土可以在晚秋时节加入,以此缓和冬天气候的影响。

The best time is after the ground has frozen but before the coldest weather arrives. 最好的时机是在地面结冻后但在最冷的天气到来之前。

Spreading mulch before the ground has frozen may attract small animals searching for a warm place to spend the winter. 在地面结冻之前铺上盖土会吸引要过冬的小动物来寻找温暖的地方造窝。