第 44 课:北大西洋公约组织-3

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the breakup of Yugoslavia in the nineteen nineties challenged NATO's traditional position as a defensive alliance. 19 世纪 90 年代,苏联的解散和南斯拉夫的瓦解使得北约改变了其传统的防卫联盟的角色。

Ten years ago at this time, NATO was bombing Serbia to end its violent campaign against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. 十年前的此时,北约轰炸了塞尔维亚,结束了塞尔维亚针对科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族人的暴力运动。

NATO first brought together the countries of Western Europe with Canada and the United States. 北约第一次把西欧各国与加拿大、美国聚集到一起。

Today it includes former enemies of NATO that were members of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact . 今天北约中还包括他几个曾经的敌国,他们曾是苏联为首的华沙条约组织的成员国。

NATO's expansion to the east, toward the borders of Russia, has raised Russian concerns. 北约朝着俄罗斯边界向东扩张,已经引起了俄国人的注意。