第 79 课:遭受剧烈头疼-2

Scientists at research centers around the world say they are making progress toward vaccines to protect against dengue fever. 全世界各研究中心的科学家们称他们正在努力研制防治登革热的疫苗。

Robert Edelman at the University of Maryland is an expert in dengue vaccine research. Robert Edelman 是马里兰大学的登革热疫苗研究专家。

He says at least two experimental vaccines have moved beyond laboratory tests and are now being tested in people. 他说,至少两种实验性疫苗已经通过实验室检测转入临床试验了。

The World Health Organization currently estimates that there may be fifty million dengue infections worldwide every year. 据世界卫生组织统计,目前每年全世界约有五千五百万登革热感染者。

It strikes cities and rural areas mainly in warm, wet climates. 这种疾病通常在温暖、湿润的天气里在城市和农村肆虐。