第 86 课:情感的生意-4

But Professor Rottenberg says those who felt shame or embarrassment while crying were less likely to report that crying had been helpful. 但是 Rottenberg 教授称,在哭泣时感到害羞或者尴尬的人们不太可能感到哭泣有用。

Research has shown that women cry more often and more intensely than men. 研究显示,与男性相比,女性哭的更多也更剧烈,

But it may not be to better effect, says the psychologist. The new findings, he says, did not show that a person's sex was a predictor of beneficial crying. 但这位心理学家认为这并不一定带来更好的效果。他说新的研究结果并未表明性别能够预示有益的哭泣。

In other words, just because women cry more does not mean they are more likely to have a "good" cry. 换句话说,仅仅因为女性哭得更多并不意味着她们更可能拥有一次“好”的哭泣。

The paper entitled "Is Crying Beneficial?" appeared in December in Current Directions in Psychological Science. 这份以“哭泣有益吗?”标题的报告发表在 12 月份《心理学新进展》上。

And there is more to learn. Jonathan Rottenberg says the science of crying is still in its infancy. 还有许多有待研究, Jonathan Rottenberg 说,哭泣的科学研究还在婴儿期呢。