第 87 课:骨骼断裂-4

Shock requires immediate medical attention. 休克病人必须马上进行医疗救治。

But while broken bones can be painful, they are generally not life-threatening. 虽然骨折非常疼,但通常不会危及生命。

Still, broken bones should be treated quickly because they can restrict blood flow or cause nerve damage. 但由于骨折会阻断血液循环或者损伤神经,因此仍然必须尽快处理。

Also, the break will start to repair itself, so you want to make sure the bone is lined up correctly. 同时,由于断骨会自行修复,因此需要确认断骨被正确地接合了。

X-rays are taken to see the break. Treatment depends on the kind of fracture that is identified. 医生们使用 X 光来检查骨折。而后所采取的治疗措施取决于骨折的类型。