第 88 课:偏头痛-1

A migraine headache can cause disabling pain. People may not feel back to normal for hours or even days. 偏头痛可以引起致残性疼痛。患者也许会感觉数小时甚至数日都无法恢复正常。

Migraine headaches are most common among young adults and middle-aged people. 偏头痛在青年和中年人中最常见。

In the United States, about eighteen percent of women and six percent of men report having migraines. 在美国,据报道大约有 18 %的女性和 6 %的男性患有偏头痛。

People who suffer from migraines can find that different "triggers" in different people may get a headache started. 罹患偏头痛的人们会发现,不同人的头痛最初都是由不同的诱因触发。

Stress can act as a trigger. So can chocolate in some people. 压力会扮演触发诱因的角色。对于某些人,巧克力也可能成为诱因。