第 89 课:肺结核-2

Even so, the bacteria remain in the body. If the immune system weakens at any point, they begin to spread and then attack. 即使这样,细菌仍然留在了人体内。当人体免疫力下降到某中程度时,这些细菌就开始散播,而后攻击人体。

The bacteria that cause TB usually settle in the lungs. 结核病的致病菌通常寄居在肺部。

They spread through the air when the person coughs or sneezes or even sings and talks. 当带菌者咳嗽或者打喷嚏,甚至是唱歌或者谈话时,它们都会经由空气传播。

One of the most important things is to identify cases quickly -- especially drug-resistant cases, which are increasing. 最重要的事情之一是尽快辨认出这些病例——尤其是那些逐渐增长的抗药性病例。

The patients need to be kept away from other people and begin treatment as soon as possible. 这些病例必须隔离,尽早接受治疗。