第 90 课:更容易抑郁-3

They report finding no link between the serotonin transporter gene and the risk of depression. 他们报道称研究并未发现在血清素载体与抑郁之间有何联系。

The findings appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 这个研究发表在《美国联合医学》杂志上。

Neil Risch is director of the University of California, San Francisco, Institute for Human Genetics and a leader of the new study. Neil Risch 是旧金山加州大学人类基因研究所的所长,也是这项新研究的领导人。

He says the earlier study gained so much recognition, it became -- in his words -- "fixed in many people's minds as true." 他说,早期的研究取得了很大的认同,它变得——用他的话来说——“深入许多人的心中,已经成为真理。”

The National Institute of Mental Health and Kaiser Permanente Northern California also took part in the latest study. 国家心理健康研究所和北加利福尼亚 Kaiser Permanente 也参与了这项新研究。