第 94 课:小额信贷-1

Microfinance is becoming a big business. 小额信贷正发展为一项大生意。

It started as a way to provide very small loans to people in developing countries so they could begin to move themselves out of poverty. 开始的时候,小额信贷是向发展中国家的贫穷人们提供小额贷款以帮助他们摆脱贫困的项目。

A few hundred dollars could mean a lot to a poor entrepreneur with a promising idea. 对于一个抱有发展希望的贫穷创业者,几百美元可以成就很多了。

Bangladeshi economist Mohammed Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize in two thousand six for his work with banking for the poor. 孟加拉国的经济家默罕默德·尤纳斯于 2006 年获得了诺内尔和平奖,以表彰他在为帮助贫困人群而开办的银行业方面所做的贡献。

He formed the Grameen Bank in nineteen eighty-three. 1983 年,他创办了格拉明银行。