第 94 课:小额信贷-2

Today there are microfinance providers all over the world. 如今,小额信贷的供给者们已遍布全世界。

And anyone can be a microlender through a site like Kiva.org. 通过 Kiva.org 网站,任何人都可以成为一个小型信贷出借人。

You choose a project and provide at least twenty-five dollars of the amount requested. 你选择一个项目,然后提供所需款项中至少 25 美元的贷款即可。

Three out of four loans have gone to women, which is common with microfinance. 这些贷款的四分之三都提供给女性了,这在小额信贷很常见。

Kiva spokeswoman Fiona Ramsey says the site has grown even with the economic downturn. Kiva 的发言人菲奥娜·拉姆齐称,即使在经济低迷时,这个网站也是在发展的。