第 94 课:小额信贷-3

The total value of loans made through Kiva, she says, is nearing fifty-two million dollars. 她说,通过 Kiva 创造的财富价值总额正接近五千二百万美元。

The downturn has not had a big effect on loan repayments either. 经济低迷对贷款的偿还也没有太大影响。

The current repayment rate is ninety-seven percent. 目前的偿还率为 97% 。

But Fiona Ramsey says that because of the credit crisis, microfinance organizations are finding it harder to get loans from banks. 但是菲奥娜·拉姆齐说,由于信贷危机的影响,小额信贷组织发现想从银行贷款变难了。

Kiva works with microfinance organizations in forty-two countries. Kiva 与小额信贷各机构在 42 个国家都有合作。