第 94 课:小额信贷-4

These "field partners" keep the interest charged on the loans. 贷款的利息会交给这些“各地合作者”。

The average term is twelve months. And the average interest rate is almost twenty-three percent. 平均贷款期为 12 个月。平均贷款利率大约为 23% 。

Returns like that help explain why microfinance now includes big banks and other lenders. 像这样的回报能够帮助理解为什么小额信贷现在也包括了大银行和其他贷款出借人。

Mohammed Yunus has said he worries that lenders may be more interested in profits than poverty reduction. 默罕默德·尤纳斯说,他很担心出借人们的兴趣可能是赚取利润而非帮助减少贫困。

He supports a new effort based in the United States called MicroFinance Transparency. 他支持一项基于美国的新的努力——小额信贷透明。

The aim is to prevent abuses by letting borrowers compare pricing information from different lenders. 这个项目的目标是通过帮助借款人比较不同出借人的价格信息,从而防止对小额信贷的滥用。