第 95 课:陶瓷净水器-2

Jeff Schwarz is a potter and a member of the national service program AmeriCorps. Jeff Schwarz 是一名制陶工人,同时也是国家服务项目“美国军团”的成员。

He works with volunteers to produce the water purifiers. 他与许多志愿者一起工作,生产净水器。

The original design of the ceramic filter came from a chemist in Guatemala, Fernando Mazariegos. 陶瓷净水器最初的设计来源于危地马拉的一名化学家, Fernando Mazariegos 。

Ron Rivera, a ceramics artist and activist in the group Potters for Peace, saw it and recognized its value. Ron Rivera ,一名陶艺家及和平陶艺家团体的积极分子看到了这个设计,并认识到它的价值。

Ron Rivera improved the design after a deadly storm, Hurricane Mitch, struck Central America in nineteen ninety-eight. 1998 年,致命风暴米奇飓风袭击了美国中部后, Ron Rivera 改进了这个设计。