第 95 课:陶瓷净水器-3

He also worked with other groups to set up places to make the filters. 同时,他也与其他团体合作设立净水器的制造所。

He died last year. By that time, hundreds of thousands of the filters were in use in developing countries. Ron Rivera 去年去世的时候,几十万个这种净水器已经在发展中国家付诸使用。

Tests have shown that the filter produces safe drinking water. 测试结果均显示,这种净水器能够制造安全的饮用水。

On a good day, Jeffrey Schwarz says the studio in the library can produce twenty filters. 有一天, Jeffrey Schwarz 说图书馆中的这个制造工坊能够生产 20 个净水器。

To make one, clay is mixed with a material that burns. 要制作一个净水器,要将粘土与能够燃烧的材料混合。