第 98 课:预防自杀日-1

This Friday is World Suicide Prevention Day. 本周五是世界预防自杀日。

This year's observance is meant to bring attention to the differences among suicidal individuals and their situations around the world. 今年这天的目的在于关注全球自杀群体和他们状况的不同之处。

But the organizers also say that all over the world, people have something in common. 但是组织者表示,全世界的人们都有个共同之处,即为了心理健康。

They need to feel connected to others for good mental health. 他们需要感受与他人的沟通。

The organizers include the International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization. 组织者包括国际预防自杀协会和世界健康组织。