第 17 课

My little baby is all grown up and-- and savin' China. 小姑娘长大了 而且还救了大家
You have a tissue ? 借张面纸
Chi Fu ? 赐福
Your Excellency ? - See to it that this woman is made a member of my council. 皇上,臣在 让这女子当个宰相
Member ? What ? 让这女子当个…什么!
But... there are no council positions open, Your Majesty. 可是…启禀皇上 没有宰相的空缺
Very well. You can have his job. 好吧!那你就接替他的工作

With all due respect, Your Excellency, 木兰无意做官任职
l think l've been away from home long enough. 我只想尽快返回故乡
Then... take this, 那么…
so your family will know what you have done for me. 这个赐给你 让你家人知道你救了朕
And this, 还有这个
so the world will know what you have done for China. 让全世界知道 你救了国家

Mulan ! 木兰
Father, l brought you the sword of Shan-Yu. 爹爹 我给您带来单于的剑
And the crest of the Emperor. 和皇上赐的信物
They're gifts to honor the Fa family. 全是赐给花家光宗耀祖

The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter. 花家最大的荣耀 就是有你这个好女儿
l've missed you so. 爹爹好想你
l've missed you too, Baba. 我也想念您,爹爹

She brings home a sword. lf you ask me, she should've brought home a man. 真是的,她只带回一把剑 她应该带回一个男人
Excuse me. Does Fa Mulan live here ? 对不起 请问花木兰住这儿吗?
Thank you. 谢谢

Whoo ! Sign me up for the next war. 下次我也要上战场
Honorable Fa Zhou, l-- Mulan ! 花弧大人 我… 木兰!
Uh... you forgot your helmet. 喔!你忘了头盔
W-Well, actually, it's your helmet, isn't it ? 不…事实上… 应该是您的盔甲,是吧?
l mean-- - Would you like to stay for dinner ? 我是说… 你想留下来吃晚饭吗?
Would you like to stay forever ? 你想永远留下来吗?
Dinner would be great. 吃晚饭很好

Come on. Who did a good job ? 说啦,我算不算成功啊?
Come on. Tell me. Who did a good job ? 说嘛,算不算成功?
Oh, all right ! You can be a guardian again. 好吧,你可以升格当守护神