第 4 课

You are a disgrace ! 你实在是太不像话
You may look like a bride, 你虽看起来像新娘
but you will never bring your family honor ! 可是永远不会为你们家争光

My, my. 天啊
What beautiful blossoms we have this year. 今年院子里花开得真好
But, look, this one's late. 可是你看,这朵迟了
But l'll bet that when it blooms, 但等到它开花的时候
it will be the most beautiful of all. 一定会比其它的花更美丽

What is it ? 什么事?

Mulan. 木兰,你别出去
Stay inside.

Citizens, l bring a proclamation... from the lmperial City. 乡亲们 我从京城带来皇上谕令
The Huns have invaded China. 匈奴已侵犯中原
By order of the Emperor, 皇上亲下诏书
one man from every family must serve in the lmperial Army. 每家都要选出一名壮丁从军
The Hsiao family. 萧家接旨
The Yi family. 易家接旨

l will serve the Emperor in my father's place. 我替我爹爹为国出征

The Fa family. - No ! 花家接旨 不

l am ready to serve the Emperor. 草民已准备为国效劳
Father, you can't go. - Mulan ! 爹爹,你不能去 木兰
Please, sir, my father has already fought bravely-- - Silence ! 官爷,求求你 我爹年事已高,也已上过战场 住嘴!
You would do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence. 你该教教你女儿 男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?
Mulan, you dishonor me. 木兰,你让爹丢尽颜面

Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp. 明日午时,军营报到
Yes, sir. 是

You shouldn't have to go ! - Mulan-- 你不该去的
There are plenty of young men to fight for China. 木兰 有足够的壮丁打仗啊

lt is an honor to protect my country and my family. 能够保家卫国 是我的荣耀

So, you'll die for honor. 就为了荣耀,连命都不要?
l will die doing what's right. 我为国捐躯,死而无憾
But if you-- - l know my place ! lt is time you learned yours. 可是,如果…我自有分寸