第 63 课:television 电视 - 2

A: what kinds of tv programmes do you enjoy watching?

B: I like current affairs programmes and documentaries, especially wildlife ones. How about you?

A: I like those kinds of programmes too. They're very informative. I think that many people underrate the education value of tv.

B: I agree. People often criticize tv for showing too much sex and violence.

A; yeah. And that's so funny because most people prefer watching sex and violence to watching something more educational!

B: right. You can't blame the tv stations for showing popular kinds of programmes. They need to make money from advertisements shown during and between programmes.

A: in my country, there's a time limit on the advertisements that can be shown. I think it's about six minutes per hour.

B: that's great idea. But don't the tv station lose a lot of money because of that?

A; no. they don't. they simply charge higher prices at peak times. Is there no limit on the amount of advertisements that can be shown on tv in your country?

B: not as far as I know. We have so many advertisements . the interruptions are unbearable sometimes! That's one reason that many people prefer satellite or cable tv, where you pay a fixed amount each month.

A: some people have satellite and cable tv in my country, but people don't seem to keen to pay for their tv programmes. Besides, the terrestrial channels offer a good range of programmes.

B: well, there's a wildlife documentary on tv in a few minutes. Shall we?